Lab Reportal Usage

  • Application Purpose
    • A common platform for laboratories to communicate data and information to their customers.
    • A managed laboratory testing data and document storage platform for laboratory customers.


  • System Enrollment
    • Laboratory customers cannot enroll themselves. Enrollment is initiated by the customer’s lab, utilizing the email address on record for the customer’s account.


  • Logging In
    • Using “Send Login Link” (Required for initial login.)
      • When a user of the system is enrolled via a laboratory communication (a welcome communication or transmission of testing results), the username (customer’s email address) is created and assigned a random password.
      • The newly added user may then access the portal by clicking the user icon on the top right, then selecting “Send Login Link” and entering the email address used to enroll the user by the laboratory.
      • If the email address entered is a registered user, an email will be sent to that address with a link, (valid for 5 minutes) that will log the user in to login to retrieve/review any actions sent by the laboratory.
    • Using “Sign In”
      • If the user prefers to access the portal using a username and password, they may change the random password after initially using the “Send Login Link” option to gain access to the portal.
      • After the user is logged in, they may change the randomly created password by clicking the user icon on the top right, then selecting “Reset Password” and entering their desired password and clicking the “Reset” button.
      • The user may then access the portal by clicking the user icon on the top right, then selecting “Sign In” to login using the login dialog with the registered email address and the newly created password.


  • [ Communications ]
    • This is where users will view any non-data related communications, such as welcome communications, sample testing status, laboratory information or anything else the laboratory would like to communicate to its customers.
    • All communications are forwarded to the customer’s email address when received.
    • Communications are kept in the user’s portal for 6 months.


  • Documents and Datasets
    • Laboratories may choose to only utilize the Documents portion of the portal, only the Datasets portion of the portal or may choose to utilize both mechanisms for testing data delivery to their customers. This is at the discretion of the laboratory.
    • [ Documents ]
      • Documents are any files that may be downloaded and opened with end user software or viewed (for standard file types) and printed (PDF only) with the online viewer.
      • Documents may be downloaded individually or (if multiple documents are selected), or in a compressed zip file.
    • [ Datasets ]
      • (“DOWNLOAD” tab) Datasets may be downloaded as a generic comma separated values (.csv) file or accessed via an API endpoint.
      • Multiple datasets may be selected and combined into one .csv file for download.
      • (“TRENDS” tab) (For advanced users.) Trends may be plotted against data within the datasets.
    • All documents and datasets may be filtered by one or more of the top-level submission information fields; the submitting “Lab”, the “Submission Id” (set by the submitting laboratory) the “Received Date Time” (all times in UTC) and/or the “Sample Count”.


  • [ Pre-Submit / Barcodes ]
      • A listing of all pending and completed submissions and the status of completed submissions that have been received by the designated laboratory.
      • To create a sample pre-submission information and associated barcodes.
      • All pre-submissions are saved automatically with every modification to be completed later or on a different device if needed.
      • The “Container Id” on the far right of every submission is intended to be used to identify individual sample containers. This is not mandatory but may be useful to the customers’/submitters’ workflows.
      • The primary submission document will have the Submission Id barcode, that when scanned, will pull down from the Lab Reportal service all sample information associated to the Submission Id. It is recommended to include this information with the sample delivery to the laboratory.
      • Also, the submission will generate individual sample barcodes that may be printed on Avery Template 5260 and applied to the sample containers.
      • If samples are sent to the laboratory with the primary barcode document only (no sample barcode labels), the samples will need to have either the “Sequence” number or “Container Id” written on the sample container. Samples will be sorted in the same order of the submission data. Please use simple consecutive values for the “Container Id”. Please do not use cryptic codes for container id’s. They are very difficult and time consuming to sort at the laboratory and greatly increases the chance of human error.
      • Best practice is to print and affix the barcode labels to the sample bags/containers or write the sequence number for the sample on the bag/container.
      • Basic steps to prepare and submit a sample information pre-submission.
        • Select the sample receiving laboratory. Most users will only have 1 laboratory selection and the laboratory will be pre-selected.
        • Select the submission type for the receiving laboratory.
        • Add samples.
          • Select the # of samples, under “Add # Samples”, required and click “ADD SAMPLES”.
          • OR in “Update Column(s)” select “Spreadsheet Data”.
            • Under “Update Value(s)”, “ENTRY” tab input box, paste your own tabular data, including headers, from Excel or similar spreadsheet application, then click “SET VALUES”.
            • The headers in your data must exactly match the headers for the submission type defined by the receiving laboratory.
            • All spreadsheet data will be appended as new samples for the submission to the end of the existing submission data.
        • To update individual fields/columns.
          • Under “Update Column(s)”, select the field that you would like to update.
          • In the “ENTRY” tab input box, enter the value to update the column value to.
          • If alternating or repeating values are needed, enter the values with a return after each value. Do not add a return after the last value as this will leave a blank cell at the end of repeated sequence unless this is desired.
          • If an auto incremented value is desired, enter the single starting numeric value with a single return after the value.
          • If an update column is selected that has predetermined values (a set of accepted values determined by the receiving laboratory), such as test options or recommendation crops for example, the “SELECT” tab under “Update Value(s)”, will be shown to list the available options for the update column. Double click on the desired option to add it to the “ENTRY” tab then click on the “SET VALUES” button.
            • If a alternating list of option ore a repeating series of options are desired, multiple options may be selected in the order they are required before setting the column value.
          • Also, spreadsheet data may be added to individual columns. Copy from your spreadsheet data (WITHOUT THE HEADER) and paste into the “ENTRY” tab input box then click “SET VALUES”.
        • To edit individual cells.
          • Click the cell to edit.
          • Update the cell's value.
          • Continue to other cell edits.
          • When cell editing is complete, click the "SAVE CHANGES" button on the bottom right.
          • The "PREVIEW CHANGES" button will show just the rows with cells that have been edited.
          • The "CANCEL CHANGES" button will cancel all updates to edited cells.
        • To commit sample information and create barcodes.
          • When sample submission setup is complete, click the "ERROR CHECK" button.
          • If all basic required information is found the "SEND TO LAB" button will now be enabled.
          • Click the "SEND TO LAB" button.
      • A listing of all completed submissions and the associated printouts.
        • (PRE-SUBMISSION PRIMARY DOCUMENT tab) This is the primary submission document. This document (first page only) should accompany all sample deliveries to the receiving laboratory. Especially if one or more samples are missing. When scanned, this will alert the sample receiving staff that more samples may be coming or check with the customer on the status of the missing samples.
        • (SAMPLE LABELS (TMPL #5260) The individual sample barcodes. These labels may be utilized to label individual samples. The use of these barcode labels further reduces the chance of human error at the receiving laboratory.


  • API Access
    • API endpoint access details will be provided to laboratory customers who would like to automate their testing data retrieval.
      • This option will require a developer resource.
      • Testing data and documents may be retrieved through the Lab Reportal API customer endpoint.
      • It is at the discretion of the testing laboratory to make available the testing data and/or documents.

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